During a divorce, some spouses continue to live with one another while others separate. Regardless of your unique situation, your household bills such as your mortgage, car payments, insurance, credit card bills and more must be paid. Who’s responsible for paying the bills during the divorce process?
Consider the Bill Pay Arrangement You Created Before the Divorce
Although many things change during a divorce, your finances don’t necessarily have to. In fact, it may be easier to stick to your current bill pay arrangement until after the divorce is final. For example, if you’re responsible for the electric bill, continue to pay it. This is the simplest way to keep track of your bills while living together or apart.
If you and your spouse pooled your resources to pay for your monthly bills, there are a few things you can do to split the bills during your divorce.
- You can pay the bills for the assets you plan to keep—if you and your spouse agree to the division of those assets.
- You can pay the bills that come in your name only, such as your credit card bill or life insurance premium.
- You can also try to split the household bills evenly between you and your spouse. If you have a number of financial responsibilities, this may be difficult to do.
It’s important to remember that whatever you do, make sure to track your payment receipts and documents. You’ll need these records for your divorce proceedings.

What If My Current Spouse Won’t Help With the Bills?
If you find that you’re paying the bulk of the bills, you may need legal assistance. For example, if you and your spouse are currently separated, you can ask the court to order temporary support from your spouse to help you pay your bills during the divorce process. This is especially helpful if you have fewer economic resources than your spouse.
Meet Your Financial Obligations With the Help of a Divorce Attorney
Regardless of the status of your divorce, you must meet your financial obligations.
If you’re concerned about the financial consequences of divorce or need assistance receiving the necessary support, reach out to a professional divorce attorney. We can help you understand your options based on Texas law. To learn more, send us a message.