Is mediation or litigation best for your divorce? Most of the time, you might hear “it depends”. In a divorce, the answer you’re looking for depends on the individual facts and circumstances of your case. An experienced divorce attorney can give you accurate predictions and solid guidance based on knowledge and past experience.
Is Mediation the Better Choice for You?
Mediation, a type of alternative dispute resolution, is often seen as a silver bullet for resolving cases. In fact, many family law judges in Texas require that you try mediation first. Although mediation can help you finalize your divorce faster and cheaper, that doesn’t mean it will work for you.
Is Your Relationship Non-Contentious?
Are you and your spouse on speaking terms? If so, mediation outside of court might work. It requires a certain level of openness and good faith for both parties to resolve their differences without a court order. Couples who aren’t speaking to each other might have no other option than to resolve the matter in divorce court.
At the end of the day, both you and your spouse are more likely to reach a positive outcome—one that works for both the short and long-term—if you work together at the conference table to resolve your differences,

High-Asset Cases Benefit From Litigation
A contentious relationship—not on speaking terms—isn’t the only reason why litigation could be better than mediation when it comes to resolving your divorce. While it is generally possible in mediation to resolve most issues (if not all), like creating detailed parenting plans, the court may need to be involved in high-asset cases in which real estate and businesses must be valued and disputes over these assets litigated and resolved.
Call Us Today for the Guidance You Need
There is no one-size-fits-all plan for resolving a legal case. In family law, every circumstance is different. That’s why the answer “it depends” is often the only words that fit. For more detailed guidance to help you move forward with certainty, give us a call at 817-789-4436 or send us a message.