Exploring alternatives to traditional divorce

In a recent post, we discussed how more and more divorcing couples are electing to end their marriages via “collaborative divorce.” To recap, collaborative divorce relies upon communication and negotiation, instead of litigation.

Specifically, couples first sign a contract pledging to resolve all of their issues outside of the courtroom. Each spouse is then assigned their own attorney and mental health professional to act as their coach during the process. (A neutral financial advisor is also part of the team, as is a child specialist if there are children in the family.) The collaborative divorce team then proceeds to work together to resolve issues in a constructive manner.

In light of the relative ease of collaborative divorce, it’s only natural to wonder if there are any other alternatives to traditional divorce litigation that promise the same level of harmony and efficacy.

As it turns out, another viable divorce alternative for many people is divorce mediation.

In divorce mediation, the former spouses — both of whom may be represented by an attorney — meet in a neutral location to resolve important divorce issues, including child support, spousal maintenance, child custody and property division.

The mediation session is run by a neutral third party mediator who works to facilitate both a constructive dialogue and mutual cooperation.

The primary advantage of divorce mediation is that it enables couples to speed up the divorce process and save money, as well as preserve amicable relationships.

It is important to reiterate that collaborative divorce and divorce mediation may not be the best option for every couple. The simple truth is that many couples are often unable to agree on any issues and would likely be better served by resolving their important divorce-related issues in a courtroom.

Stay tuned for more from our Ft. Worth family law blog …

To learn more about traditional dissolution of marriage, divorce mediation or collaborative divorce, contact an experienced and skilled legal professional.

This post is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as legal advice.


Forbes, “The Four Divorce Alternatives,” Jeff Landers, April 24, 2012