When most people think of Hulk Hogan, they think of wrestling - not divorce. However, court papers filed recently in the ongoing legal match between Hogan and his ex-wife provide important lessons for everyone facing this difficult process. Specif...
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Considerations for divorcing couples with underwater mortgages
It was not so long ago that when a couple chose to pursue a divorce, one of the most sought-after and hotly contested items was the marital home. However, this is no longer the case for many divorcing couples as the real estate market has been in a p...
Read MoreTaxes and spousal support: Some important considerations – II
One of the most hectic periods of the year for many Americans is tax time. Forms and receipts must be gathered, intricate tax forms must be carefully reviewed and complex calculations must be made. Although Tax Day 2012 is still far away, it's never ...
Read MoreTaxes and spousal support: Some important considerations
One of the most hectic periods of the year for many Americans is undoubtedly tax time. Forms and receipts must be gathered, intricate tax forms must be carefully reviewed and seemingly complex calculations must be made. Although Tax Day 2012 is still...
Read MoreDivorcing couple ordered to disclose Facebook and dating-site passwords
Thorny problems of Internet privacy are popping up in the courtroom with increased frequency. This was demonstrated most recently in a Connecticut divorce case where a judge ordered the attorneys to exchange their clients' Facebook and dating-site pa...
Read MoreProposed legislation would mandate ‘reconciliation’ period for couples
Here in Texas, a divorce can be finalized after at least 60 days have passed since the divorce petition was originally filed with the court. However, if the spouses are unable to agree on important issues (i.e., child custody, child support, spousal ...
Read MoreHow divorce can affect college students
Today, it is not uncommon for couples who are actively considering a divorce to temporarily postpone their dissolution of marriage for the sake of their children. In general, this phenomenon seems to be confined to those parents with older children, ...
Read MoreWould you keep financial problems a secret from your significant other?
In these tough economic times, it seems as if married couples would benefit from maintaining an open and honest dialogue concerning the state of their financial affairs. In fact, the harboring of financial secrets could result in a serious disagreeme...
Read MoreMassachusetts sets new alimony limits
In family law/divorce-related news, a new law in Massachusetts will significantly alter how state courts can award alimony payments. Governor Deval Patrick signed the bill into law a few weeks ago, and it will take effect beginning in 2012. Under ...
Read MoreFailing to make the grade: Woman seeks divorce after son’s class rank falls
A couple can choose to end their marriage for a variety of reasons, including accusations of infidelity, constant bickering, differences over religion or politics and emotional distance, to name only a few. However, sometimes the reasoning behind the...
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