A growing number of divorcing couples are now opting for a new approach to ending their marriage called "collaborative divorce." Instead of going to court, the couples work with teams of professionals, using communication and negotiation, instead of ...
Read MoreCategory Archives: Divorce
Be certain to add car insurance to your post-divorce to-do list
When your divorce is finalized, you may breathe a sigh of relief and feel like you can relax for the first time in months or perhaps longer. However, before you begin settling into your new post-divorce surroundings, it's important to make sure that ...
Read MoreDivorcing spouses hit the jackpot with smartphone data
Smartphone technology may be the best thing that ever happened to lawyers looking for evidence in a divorce case. From the call log to the address book, from archived texts to dating apps, a smartphone tells its owner's life story in data. In gene...
Read MoreFault-finding divorce lives on across the pond
Here in Texas, and across the United States, no-fault divorce is the norm. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a no-fault divorce is basically one in which the spouse seeking to end the marriage does not have to demonstrate specific grounds (i.e.,...
Read MoreStudy your financial health when going through a divorce
There is no doubt that the process of securing a divorce can be extremely painful. However, the process can be even more painful if it ends up compromising your long-term financial health. Fortunately, there are things that divorcing couples can d...
Read MoreTalk to your children about your divorce
Going through a divorce is never easy. And telling your kids that you and your spouse are ending your marriage ranks as one of the most difficult steps in the process. According to Deborah Moskovitch, a divorce consultant and contributor to the Hu...
Read MoreCDC study makes interesting findings on marriage, divorce, cohabitation
When it comes to discussions of marriage, divorce and cohabitation, there are at least two points that will more than likely emerge during the conversation. First, that nearly half of all first marriages end in divorce and, second, that living togeth...
Read MoreThe right way to tell your children about your divorce
Making the decision to divorce is never easy. But it's even more of a challenge when children are involved. Fortunately, an interesting piece on the Huffington Post by bloggers Kathryn Murphy and Linda Solomon recently offered parents some suggest...
Read MoreMore courts deciding pet custody cases
When a couple divorces, there are many important and complex questions that must be addressed. Who will get primary custody of the kids? What will the visitation schedule look like? How much child support will a spouse have to pay? How much alimony i...
Read MoreKeeping an open mind about prenuptial agreements
According to a recent survey by the credit card company American Express, an estimated four million Americans celebrated Valentine's Day with an engagement. While it may not sound like the most romantic notion, it is important for these newly engaged...
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