When a couple grows apart and the emotional bond that brought them together is beyond any hope of repair, it is likely time to pursue a divorce. However, many couples that would likely benefit from a dissolution of marriage often choose to remain tog...
Read MoreDivorce can prove to be particularly difficult for adult children
Contrary to popular belief, divorce isn't just confined to younger couples. According to a 2009 study by researchers at Bowling Green University, the divorce rate of older couples has doubled over the last 30 years, and is likely to continue climbing...
Read MoreNew York woman’s fight for back child support spans well over three decades
It's not uncommon to read stories about a determined mother - owed several thousands of dollars in back child support - fighting a lengthy legal battle to get all that she is entitled to under the law. However, it is uncommon to read stories about a ...
Read MoreDropping the ball? Court documents allege star NFL receiver has failed to pay full child support
Much of the dialogue concerning the National Football League these days has to do with the lockout, and whether the owners and the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) will be able to reach an agreement that prevents the cancellation ...
Read MoreUpdate: Indigent Parents Right to Counsel Case Before SCOTUS
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently reached a decision in a child support enforcement case out of South Carolina. Specifically, SCOTUS was called upon to decide whether the constitutional rights of an indigent father who was f...
Read MoreTexas law concerning cases of ‘mistaken paternity’ undergoes significant change
For many years, men who had been ordered by Texas courts to pay child support even though they knew they were not the father of the child faced very tough odds. In fact, child support cases involving mistaken paternity were nearly notoriously difficu...
Read MoreA closer look at some of Hollywood’s more notable divorces
These days it's virtually impossible to turn on the television or pass through the checkout aisle at the local supermarket without seeing some type of celebrity gossip show or magazine reporting on a celebrity marriage - or more often - a celebrity d...
Read MoreNumber of adult adoptions on the rise across the U.S.
Contrary to popular belief, the adoption process is not just limited to potential parents seeking to add younger children to their expanding families. In fact, many people are now choosing to enlarge their families through so-called adult adoptions. ...
Read MoreDon’t forget about the future when valuing assets in your present divorce
The decision to get a divorce is just the first step in the process. There are many decisions that have to be made once a couple decides to end their marriage. If the couple has children, parenting time, visitation, education and so much more must be...
Read MoreFlorida man goes to great lengths to avoid child support hearing
One of the unfortunate realities of many divorces is that some parents will go to great lengths to avoid making court-ordered child support payments. In fact, many persist in this kind of behavior despite the possibility of wage garnishment or the th...
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