A couple can choose to end their marriage for a variety of reasons, including accusations of infidelity, constant bickering, differences over religion or politics and emotional distance, to name only a few. However, sometimes the reasoning behind the...
Read MoreNFL star nearly lands in jail for failing to pay child support
A few months ago, we reported on the case of NFL star wide receiver Terrell Owens, who was being taken to court for back child support. Specifically, Owens was sued by Melanie Paige-Smith, the mother of his daughter, for "fail[ing] and refus[ing] ...
Read MoreStudies show Texas routinely ranks highly when it comes to child support enforcement
While most people have a general notion that Texas is proactive when it comes to the collection of child support, they may not know exactly how effective and efficient state officials actually are in this regard. To illustrate, federal data shows ...
Read MorePerjury charges filed in a very strange Florida divorce case
A very interesting case out of Florida highlights the potential pitfalls of obtaining a divorce without consulting an attorney and following the proper legal procedures. In the case, a woman who was a North Carolina resident secured a divorce from...
Read MoreSplitting up in luxury in Holland’s ‘divorce hotels’
When you think of a five-star hotel, you might think of fine dining, antique furniture and impeccable service. Chances are you don't think of divorce mediation. And yet a Dutch entrepreneur has now, improbably, brought the two together, letting coupl...
Read MoreRetirement and divorce: Some important considerations
For many people, the day that their divorce is finalized is the day that they may feel like they are truly free. However, this feeling of freedom may soon give way to feelings of concern as the months go by and it becomes increasingly evident that th...
Read MoreIs the poor economy causing more people to explore online infidelity?
These days, it seems that stories about thriving businesses are relatively few and far between. In fact, for the last several years, stories about unemployment, foreclosure and tumbling stocks have dominated most headlines. As it turns out, however, ...
Read MoreChildren can thrive after divorce if parents focus on them
Divorce can be difficult, especially if children are involved. However, if Texas parents are willing to put their children first, they will be able to minimize any damage that a divorce could potentially have on their children. If possible, having...
Read MoreGrandparents in Texas seeking greater legal protections
Here in Texas, it is not uncommon to see many different types of family arrangements, meaning the traditional definition of family - husband, wife and 2-3 kids - is no longer necessarily the norm. For example, single parent homes have steadily increa...
Read MoreLawsuit alleging ‘bad parenting’ dismissed by Illinois appellate court
When you think of so-called bad parenting, you more than likely envision child custody cases involving shocking (and perhaps sad) allegations of extreme or outrageous conduct by a parent. In fact, the last thing you probably envision is a lawsuit bro...
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