One of the most hectic periods of the year for many Americans is undoubtedly tax time. Forms and receipts must be gathered, intricate tax forms must be carefully reviewed and seemingly complex calculations must be made. Although Tax Day 2012 is still...
Read MoreDivorcing couple ordered to disclose Facebook and dating-site passwords
Thorny problems of Internet privacy are popping up in the courtroom with increased frequency. This was demonstrated most recently in a Connecticut divorce case where a judge ordered the attorneys to exchange their clients' Facebook and dating-site pa...
Read MoreIs Fox’s ‘Glee’ sending the wrong message about adoption?
There is no question that adoption is a viable option for those couples seeking to expand their families and the joy in their lives. However, while adoption can prove to be a joyous experience, it's important to remember that it can also be very diff...
Read MoreObesity: The newest child custody issue
Childhood obesity is a growing problem in the United States, often termed an "epidemic." In fact, about 17 percent of America's children and teens are now obese, a figure that has tripled since 1980. Now, childhood obesity has become more than a just...
Read MoreProposed legislation would mandate ‘reconciliation’ period for couples
Here in Texas, a divorce can be finalized after at least 60 days have passed since the divorce petition was originally filed with the court. However, if the spouses are unable to agree on important issues (i.e., child custody, child support, spousal ...
Read MoreFab Five player facing child support charges
Jimmy King, one of the original members of college basketball's "fab five," appeared in court earlier this month on charges of failure to pay child support. King was one of five star basketball players recruited by the University of Michigan back in ...
Read MoreHow divorce can affect college students
Today, it is not uncommon for couples who are actively considering a divorce to temporarily postpone their dissolution of marriage for the sake of their children. In general, this phenomenon seems to be confined to those parents with older children, ...
Read MoreSupreme Court declines to hear same-sex adoption case
The U.S. Supreme Court declined without comment to hear a controversial case involving the rights of same-sex couples in adoptions last week. The case involved two men who adopted an infant in New York. The baby was originally born in Louisiana, a...
Read MoreWould you keep financial problems a secret from your significant other?
In these tough economic times, it seems as if married couples would benefit from maintaining an open and honest dialogue concerning the state of their financial affairs. In fact, the harboring of financial secrets could result in a serious disagreeme...
Read MoreMassachusetts sets new alimony limits
In family law/divorce-related news, a new law in Massachusetts will significantly alter how state courts can award alimony payments. Governor Deval Patrick signed the bill into law a few weeks ago, and it will take effect beginning in 2012. Under ...
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