According to statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Defense, the military divorce rate has increased again this year. This increasing military divorce rate reflects, in part, the increased availability and acceptance of divorce nationwide. It ...
Read MoreCensus Bureau: High number of parents not receiving child support
According to a recent report by the U.S. Census Bureau, a startling number of parents aren't receiving their full child support payments. A story on the web site highlights the plight that single parents are facing when trying to se...
Read MoreStudy explores efficacy of child support forgiveness program
While people may not recognize it, nonpayment of child support is rapidly becoming a larger problem here in the United States. In fact, statistics show that as of 2009, the amount of unpaid child support has swelled to over $100 billion nationally. T...
Read MoreU.S. adoption of foreign born children drops by 15 percent
Nobel Prize winning author Pearl S. Buck championed adoption of foreign born children, particularly Asian children, by Americans. Her specific motivation arose from concern over the number of half-American children born in countries where the U.S. ha...
Read MoreBank glitches causing child support problems in Kentucky
With the holiday season now upon us, parents here in Texas, and across the country are relying more than ever on court-ordered child support payments. However, thousands of parents in Kentucky are currently feeling left out in the cold thanks to a se...
Read MoreFather who owes child support claims his sperm was stolen
All parents are obligated to financially support their biological children regardless of whether or not they are married to the child's other parent. However, in order to obtain an enforceable child support order for the child of an unmarried father ...
Read MoreLessons from the Hulk Hogan divorce
When most people think of Hulk Hogan, they think of wrestling - not divorce. However, court papers filed recently in the ongoing legal match between Hogan and his ex-wife provide important lessons for everyone facing this difficult process. Specif...
Read MoreConsiderations for divorcing couples with underwater mortgages
It was not so long ago that when a couple chose to pursue a divorce, one of the most sought-after and hotly contested items was the marital home. However, this is no longer the case for many divorcing couples as the real estate market has been in a p...
Read MoreParents may face additional challenges adopting internationally
It's no secret that the adoption process can be challenging. In the United States, potential parents are required to undergo extensive background checks, as well provide information about their home life and financial situation. In fact, the process ...
Read MoreTaxes and spousal support: Some important considerations – II
One of the most hectic periods of the year for many Americans is tax time. Forms and receipts must be gathered, intricate tax forms must be carefully reviewed and complex calculations must be made. Although Tax Day 2012 is still far away, it's never ...
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