In Texas, the law provides that the custodial parent is generally owed child support from the non-custodial parent for the support of their child or children. While the legislature has statutory guidelines in place for the courts to use when determin...
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What are the requirements to adopt a child?
Adopting a child in Texas requires prospective parents to follow state-specific guidelines. The state has enacted requirements for who can adopt and who can be adopted. The state also maintains distinct requirements for children who are residents of ...
Read MoreProtecting rights of domestic partners
While the battle for marriage equality continues across the country, Texas does not currently permit marriage between individuals of the same sex. Currently, Travis County is the only county in Texas that provides benefits to domestic partners. Howev...
Read MoreGrounds for divorce in Texas
Like many states, Texas still allows divorce to be based on the fault of one of the parties in addition to granting no-fault divorces. Of the seven grounds recognized for a Texas divorce, only insupportability is the basis for obtaining a no-fault di...
Read MoreWhat is the difference between an open and closed adoption?
In Texas, an adoption may be classified as open or closed, but the majority of cases will exhibit elements of both. In an entirely open adoption, the birth parents meet with the adoptive parents and initiate post-placement visits. While the adoptive ...
Read MoreUnderstanding eligibility requirements for adoption
The Texas Family Code outlines certain limitations regarding the adoption process. Except under certain circumstances, any adult is legally able to pursue an adoption. However, a number of restrictions limits if a child is eligible for adoption. I...
Read MoreServices a forensic accountant can provide
Texas is a community property state. This means that in most cases, all property is acquired during the term of the marriage is considered to be equally owned by both spouses. This also applies to debt that the couple takes on. In a divorce, all comm...
Read MoreRushing a prenuptial agreement can lead to problems later
Texas couples with high assets may choose to get a prenuptial agreement to protect their interests in the event of divorce. However, these agreements are not always iron-clad and may be voided in some situations. One problem that people may face is w...
Read MorePrenuptial agreements becoming more acceptable
Like others around the world, Texas couples who exchange wedding vows usually intend for them to last forever. However, with many marriages ending in court-issued divorce orders that can do more harm than good, it is becoming increasingly apparent th...
Read MoreChild custody rights and responsibilities
In Texas, when parents who do not live together disagree on child custody rights and responsibilities, a court will decide the matter for them. As in other states, its basis for making these decisions will always be the "best interests of the child."...
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